Good Science, Bad Science, Pseudoscience, and Just Plain Bunk How to Tell the Difference【電子書籍】[ Peter A. Daempfle ]

Good Science, Bad Science, Pseudoscience, and Just Plain Bunk How to Tell the Difference【電子書籍】[ Peter A. Daempfle ] Good Science, Bad Science, Pseudoscience, and Just Plain Bunk How to Tell the Difference【電子書籍】[ Peter A. Daempfle ] Good Science, Bad Science, Pseudoscience, and Just Plain Bunk How to Tell the Difference【電子書籍】[ Peter A. Daempfle ]

<p><em>Good Science, Bad Science, Pseudoscience, and Just Plain Bunk</em> teaches readers to think like scientists to more critically evaluate the truth of scientific claims. Filled with provocative real-life examples from coffee to cancer, the book helps readers build their tools of scientific literacy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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